Kiducate Manual Credit Card Payment Page
You may use this payment page to complete payment to Kiducate and bypass our Shopping Cart process.
Simply fill in your price (the R10.00 is a placeholder), then fill in your address.
Click the Pay Now button and you will be redirected to Payfast’s secure and encrypted payment gateway.
You may complete payment using your Visa/Mastercard or opt for an InstantEFT bank transfer.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you encounter any problems.
function click_f829f7f9f54d9330f46b1d0d73d87a54( aform_reference ) {
var aform = aform_reference;
aform['amount'].value = Math.round( aform['amount'].value*Math.pow( 10,2 ) )/Math.pow( 10,2 );
aform['custom_amount'].value = aform['custom_amount'].value.replace( /^s+|s+$/g,"" );
if( !aform['custom_amount'].value || 0 === aform['custom_amount'].value.length || /^s*$/.test( aform['custom_amount'].value ) ) {
alert ( 'An amount is required' );
return false;
aform['amount'].value = Math.round( aform['custom_amount'].value*Math.pow( 10,2 ) )/Math.pow( 10,2 );
for( i=0; i